Overview of the perspective

4 main aspects of your be-ing + what you need to learn in order to gain conscious control

What you can expect from Inner Truth Healing in the coming months

Learn a New Way

While this perspective is simple, it’s very effective when consistently practiced. If you’ve ever wanted to change your life for the better but wasn’t able to follow through for yourself,  Inner Truth Healing just may be the perspective you need to make those lasting changes!

Hi, I’m Sarah Ghekiere

Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, Intuitive + Podcast Host I’ve been on a journey of understanding and discovering this perspective + what I now call a lifestyle for over 7 years through my own healing journey. Every thing you see here I have learned through my own experiences - it’s what’s worked for me and I’ve seen it work for others as well.  I hope that you gain some nuggets that help you on your journey! 

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